Saturday, September 8, 2012

Only in Port Adelaide...

I hear from my friends on the Port Renewal Steering Committee that something will be happening around the Port soon.  State Government and Council have agreed to spend some serious money and there appears to be moves afoot for a "Show and Tell" day on 7th October.  'Can't wait to see which of our dreams are on first to happen.  Hopefully not too many of them will be the Mayor's wild ones...

Some wag at the pub's got a sweep going about the next slogan. So far we've had: It's Happening; then came Your Harbour Your Dream; and more recently Have Your Say.  I reckon the next one should be "I say Stop Dreaming and Get on with it!" My mate Jim reckons it should be "Your shout!"

Granny Glad just shakes her head and says "Only in Port Adelaide..." and she says it to just about everything...
"Only in Port Adelaide is there a LightHouse on a wharf up river..."  Ha ha!
"Only in Port Adelaide would signs still be selling a failed development ..." Hooha!
"Only in Port Adelaide are there three opening bridges" Voila!
"Only in Port Adelaide can you find dolphins and yarnbombing and Guerrilla dinners". Aha!
"Only in Port Adelaide can you find an internationally renown theatre group - Vitalstatistix".  Hoorah!
"Only in Port Adelaide do you go to a big shed on the dock and rummage through other people's junk". Bah!
"Only in Port Adelaide is it impossible to catch a train if you've got a mobility problem".  Argh!
"Only in Port Adelaide can you find Australia's oldest powered ship - but only if you know where to look..."  Oo-ah!
"Only in Port Adelaide can you find a country town culture within a city." Yee-ha!

Whatever the slogan is, it had better not be another lie. Port Adelaide is 100% the real deal and from what people tell me they want that to be respected.

Do you have any "Only in Port Adelaide..." stories?  If you do can you post them to my Facebook wall

On the matter of signage, it's nearly 12 months since the New Port Quays dream was kyboshed by the government and still our streets are being used to promote the developer's greedy dreams. Is everyone as sick of seeing their billboards and hoardings as I am?  Aunty Pearl and Granny Glad sure are. They're planning to spin (or bomb) a few yarns around the signs on the Port Road approach. What do you think, should they?

Looking forward to seeing you 'round the Port.